Photo essay: Mukhota

is a form of disguise
something that you are and are not in a continuum.

An imagery where the notions of Rebirth and Self are explored and looked at within. The lack of coherent narrative and the perpetual conundrum around the theme has caused fallacy and folklore to fill in the blanks.
Mukhota is curated to metaphorically represent and evoke the questions around self, karma, and rebirth within ourselves through a visual journey exhibiting Birth, Sustenance, and Beyond.

Experience the enchantment of filling the blanks, dive deep into the sphere of the psyche, 
and prospect the divinity within.


Creative Direction, Narration, Post production by: Mehak Jindal
Photography: Prashant Kumar, Niharika
Photo Assistant: Akanksha 
Styling and makeup: Tanvi Jain, Bhavika Yadav

Photo essay: Mukhota